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ADHD and autism spectrum disorders: The rising prevalence in females

Gabriella_Campbell's picture

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two neurodevelopmental disorders that typically commence in childhood.1,2 ADHD is characterised by presentations of inattention and /or impulsivity-hyperactivity.3 ASD is defined by social interaction and communication challenges and restrictive-repetitive behaviours with sensory sensitivity and interest differences, but there may also be attention difficulties and hyperactivity.3,4 Research suggests two-thirds of those with ADHD demonstrate symptoms of
ASD and that approximately 30-50% of those with ASD also demonstrate symptoms of ADHD, making these conditions strongly intertwined.

Both ADHD and ASD frequently coexist in families with no primary cause being noted. Interestingly, numerous environmental and genetic factors are believed to contribute, including genes involved in the transportation and metabolism of the neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline.3,6,7 Additionally, risk factors during pregnancy have been noted for ADHD and include low birth weight, maternal smoking, allergies, bacterial or viral infections, and certain autoimmune diseases.6

ADHD and ASD in males and females

To date, a higher prevalence of ADHD has been seen in boys, who are up to nine-times more likely to be diagnosed than girls,8 and in ASD, boys are three-times more likely to receive a diagnosis than girls. These figures highlight a significant bias in overall diagnosis between genders.9

Emerging research shows that the disparity in the ratio of diagnoses between males and females is likely due to their differing presentations.10 This is because the diagnostic criteria for both ADHD and ASD has historically been based on the symptom profile in boys. An oversight that has meant symptom expression in females has remained largely neglected and awareness, along with education of the differences, continues to be inadequate. As a result, females are often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed until well into adulthood – if at all.9,11

So much so that they may not even recognise they are neurodivergent, meaning no diagnosis is sought.4,12,13 Additionally, females often present with different characteristics than their male counterparts. For example, in ASD, females tend to engage in imaginative play, may have a fully developed vocabulary that can express emotions, have higher cognitive abilities and are often far more sociable.14,15 Additionally, they tend to internalise their emotionally troubling symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and sensory processing problems. Perfectionist tendencies and eating disorders are also common,14 with insomnia or general sleep disturbances linked to both ADHD and ASD.16,17

Common issues and deficiencies

The interplay between genetic and environmental factors in ADHD and ASD can affect several processes within the body, including the formation of glutathione within the methylation cycle.3,6,18 Moreover, it is thought that one potential mechanism contributing to the psychiatric symptoms of ADHD is hereditary metabolic dysfunction, which restricts the availability of several important cofactors, thereby diminishing metabolic activity.19 Increased oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction may also be common contributors in these conditions.18,20,21

Gastrointestinal (GIT) inflammation and problems, such as constipation, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain are common in ASD, with functional GIT disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and dyspepsia) also prevalent in those with ADHD, especially in females. These conditions may be due to food sensitivities, altered gut microbiome, and/or decreased nutritional intake.18,22

Adult diagnosis of ADHD and ASD

In Australia, diagnosis of ADHD and ASD should be done by a diagnostic clinician who understands the screening tools and has experience or training in neurodevelopmental and behavioural conditions, such psychiatrists or clinical psychologists. These appointments can be complex, involving multiple assessments with inputs from different aspects of the person’s life,4,23,24 so many adults may choose not to pursue a formal diagnosis.

Medical management of ADHD and ASD

Medical management of adult ADHD includes educational and behavioural treatments and, if indicated, psychostimulant medications to help improve attention and reduce impulsiveness and hyperactivity.6 However, the side-effects associated with these medications can be intolerable and individuals may look for ways in which they can create everyday coping strategies before being medicated.4,25 Behavioural strategies are first-line interventions for ASD.4

Holistic management of ADHD and ASD

Many women present to complementary health practitioners for assistance with any combination of symptoms outlined above. Based on this symptom picture, they may be treated for various conditions; however, it is important to consider if ADHD and/or ASD may be present. Particularly so if symptoms have been present for the last 10-20 years or can be traced back to childhood,26 in which case referral for a diagnosis via a GP should be discussed. If neurodivergent individuals are looking for ways to manage their symptoms without medication, there are several nutrients and herbal medicines that could assist.



1. Khalil R, Khoury E, Richa S. The comorbidity of fibromyalgia syndrome and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder from a pathogenic perspective. Pain Medicine 2018;9(9):1705-1709.
2. Kreiser N, White S. ASD in females: Are we overstating the gender difference in diagnosis? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 2014;17(1):67-84.
3. Young S, Hollingdale J, Absoud M, et al. Guidance for identification and treatment of individuals with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder based upon expert consensus. BMC Medicine 2020;18(146):1-29.
4. Hatch B, Kadlaskar G, Miller M. Diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with autism and ADHD. Psychol Sch. 2023;60(2):295–311.
5. Leitner Y. The co-occurrence of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children – what do we know? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014;8:1-8.
6. Verlaet A, Maasakkers C, Hermans N, et al. Rationale for dietary antioxidant treatment of ADHD. Nutrients 2018;10(4):1-38
7. Villagomez A, Ramtekkar U. Iron, magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc deficiencies in children presenting with symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Children 2014;1(3):261-279.
8. Quinn P, Madhoo M. A review of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in women and girls: Uncovering this hidden diagnosis. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders 2014;16(3):1-19.
9. Loomes R, Hull L, Mandy W. What is the male-to-female ratio in autism spectrum disorder? A systematic review and meta- analysis. J Am Academy of Child Adolesc Psych 2017;56(6):466-474.
10. Young S, Adamo N, Ásgeirsdóttir B, et al. Females with ADHD: An expert consensus statement taking a lifespan approach providing guidance for the identification and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in girls and women. BMC Psychiatry 2020;20(1):1-27.
11. Holthe M, Langvik E. The strives, struggles, and successes of women diagnosed with ADHD as adults. Sage Open 2017;7(1):1-12.
12. Milner V, McIntosh H, Colvert E, et al. A qualitative exploration of the female experience of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
13. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2019;9(6):2389-2402.
14. McQuaid GA, Lee NR, Wallace GL. Camouflaging in autism spectrum disorder: Examining the roles of sex, gender identity, and diagnostic timing. Autism. 2022;26(2):552-9.
15. Green R, Travers A, Howe Y, et al. Women and autism spectrum disorder: Diagnosis and implications for treatment of adolescents and adults. Current Psychiatry Reports 2019;21(4):1-8.
16. Lane S, Reynolds S. Sensory over-responsivity as an added dimension in ADHD. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 2019;13(40):1-12.
17. Kautzmann J, Goldschmied J, Miller K, et al. 0691 Examining the associations between insomnia and adult-ADHD diagnosis in army soldiers. Sleep. 2022;45(Supplement_1):A302–3.
18. Reynaud E, Pottelette J, Rabot J, et al. Differential effects of COVID-related lockdown on sleep–wake rhythms in adults with autism spectrum disorder compared to the general population. Autism Research. 2022;15(5):945–56.
19. Adams J, Audhya T, Geis E, et al. Comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention for autism spectrum disorder—A randomized, controlled 12-month trial. Nutrients 2018;10(3):1-48.
20. Rucklidge J, Kaplan B. Broad-spectrum micronutrient treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Rationale and evidence to date. CNS Drugs 2014;28(9):775-785.
21. Chang X, Liu Y, Mentch F, et al. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and risk of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in European Americans. Translational Psychiatry 2020;10(370):1-6.
22. Griffiths K, Levy R. Evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in autism: Biochemical links, genetic-based associations, and non- energy related mechanisms. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2017: 1-13.
23. Kedem S, Yust-Katz S, Carter D, et al. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and gastrointestinal morbidity in a large cohort of young adults. World J Gastroenter 2020;26(42):6626-6638.
24. May T, Birch E, Chaves K, Cranswick N, Culnane E, Delaney J, et al. The Australian evidence-based clinical practice guideline for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2023;57(8):1101–16.
25. National Guideline. For the assessment and diagnosis of autism in Australia. Published 2018 – Updated 2023. Draft updated guideline for public consultation. Autism CRC. Viewed 23 February 2024, https://www.autismcrc.com.au/access/national- guideline/2023-update
26. Canela C, Buadze A, Dube A, et al. Skills and compensation strategies in adult ADHD – A qualitative study. PloS One 2017;12(9):1-16.
27. Katzman M, Bilkey T, Chokka P, et al. Adult ADHD and comorbid disorders: clinical implications of a dimensional approach. BMC Psychiatry 2017;17(1):1-15.
28. Ribeiro R, Nicoli J, Santos G, et al. Impact of vitamin deficiency on microbiota composition and immunomodulation: relevance to autistic spectrum disorders. An International Journal on Nutrition, Diet and Nervous System 2019;1-13.
29. Hollander E, Uzunova G. Are there new advances in the pharmacotherapy of autism spectrum disorders? World Psychiatry 2017;16(1):101-102.
30. Grosso C, Santos M, Barroso MF. From Plants to Psycho-Neurology: Unravelling the Therapeutic Benefits of Bioactive Compounds in Brain Disorders. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023;12(8):1603.
31. Ahn J, Ahn H, Cheong J, et al. Natural product-derived treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Safety, efficacy, and therapeutic potential of combination therapy. Neural Plasticity 2016:1-18.
32. Gasparotto FM, dos Reis Livero FA, Tolouei Menegati SE, et al. Herbal medicine as an alternative treatment in autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review. Current Drug Metabolism. 2018;19(5):454-9.
33. Barakat H, Bakr A, El-Sayad,Z. Nature as a healer for autistic children. Alexandria Eng J 2019;58(1):353-366.
34. Jimenez MP, DeVille NV, Elliott EG, Schiff JE, Wilt GE, Hart JE, et al. Associations between Nature Exposure and Health: A Review of the Evidence. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(9):4790.

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Gabriella Campbell | The Tolerant Table
Gabriella worked in corporate communications for 12 years before commencing a Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy. She is the author of the successful blog "The Tolerant Table" which focuses on providing information relevant to those navigating food allergies and intolerances. Gabby has a special interest in this field, but also in autoimmune disease, gut dysbiosis and adrenal fatigue. Gabriella is an accomplished writer, both for her own business, but also for an academic journal and for numerous other publications. Find her at: www.thetoleranttable.com