FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine


Five key components to managing Hashimotos
Aug 27, 18

Thyroid dysfunction is currently one of the leading endocrine disorders worldwide, with data suggesting about half of the population with thyroid dysfunction has not been diagnosed.[6] This, in part, could be due to the fact that the signs and symptoms of Hashimoto’s, such as fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, low body temperature, hair loss, constipation and mood changes[7] overlap with various other common conditions.

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Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with Dr Izabella Wentz

Apr 27, 17

Dr Izabella Wentz aka. The Thyroid Pharmacist, is a world-leading functional medicine authority on Hashimoto's thyroiditis and thyroid disorders. In this podcast she shares her personal and professional journey managing thyroid disease.

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