FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

FX Medicine Podcast Central

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Not only is Carla a passionate clinical detective and problem-solver of complex conditions but she has become a pioneer for rationalising chronic care through teaching a system she has developed...
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We're chatting to Dan Jones about his passion for educating his peers on how mineral therapy has been a core element in his, almost three decades, of practice. 
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How confident are you in your naturopathic examination skills? Today we talk to Katie Barron, who is on a mission to boost the confidence of practitioners in Australia and NZ in the art of...
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How familiar are you with borderline personality disorder? Have you heard of Dialectical Behaviour? In this podcast, we talk to Megan Shiells about this therapy and when you might refer clients for...
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According to Prof Michael Tirant, integrative dermatology is the way forward. Today he joins us to share his expertise on personalising therapy for psoriasis.
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What are the actual mechanisms of inflammatory damage to the brain, and how does the brain initiate healing and cleansing? Dr Brandon Brock joins us to share his expertise.
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In this podcast we're joined by culinary genomics expert Amanda Archibald who shares with us what genes can tells us about the foods we choose. 
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We are joined by Dr Mike Armour to discuss the expansion of research into supporting women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain. 
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Today we are joined  by Prof Stephen Myers, a respected academic in complementary and integrative medicine, who shares his educated opinion on this recent move by the Medical Board of...
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Today we're joined by Prof Stephen Myers who has just published a study that can help silence those who say "there's no evidence for naturopathy and complementary medicines".
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Integrative paediatric clinician, Dr Elizabeth Mumper about the core pillars she employs in her own practice when working with children with neurodevelopmental disorders.
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Have you heard of microchimerism? In today's podcast we learn what this is, and discuss the importance of healthy mitochondria for optimal fertility. 
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Is "adrenal fatigue" really talking about fatigued, worn-out adrenal glands? Beth Bundy joins us to explain why adrenal fatigue is a myth.
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Dr Adrian Lopresti has both reviewed current evidence and plans to conduct further research into CM's in teenage mental health. Today we pick his brains about working integratively with youth in...
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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostate Cancer are some of the biggest health issues facing men today. Dr Mark Donohoe takes us through the changing approaches to this in healthcare.
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Anna takes us on a concerning journey of our toxic world and how pollutants such as phthalates can affect the development of foetal male sex organs, even in-utero.
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What is motor neurone disease and how can we support patients with naturopathic care? Vanita Dahia joins us to share her expertise.
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Sarah Franklin shares her expertise on how to best manage symptoms and offer ethical, safe and compassionate care to enrich and honour a person's final days. 
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Cindy shares the various diet, lifestyle, nutritional and herbal therapies which she has found clinically successful in improving the quality of life for those facing this confronting connective...
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Dr Mark Donohoe shares his insights into patient and practitioner self-care when supporting patients contemplating suicide. 
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Today, we're joined by Natalie Douglas to dive into the clinical pros and cons of intermittent fasting..
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Polypharmacy is a growing issue. What is needed to support paitents are experts that straddle expertise on both pharmaceutical medications and complementary medicines.
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Maria Shaflender shares with us the value she finds in using hair mineral analysis as a clinical tool to craft her individualised treatment plans for a range of conditions from thyroid disorders,...
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Have you heard of breat implant illness? Are you asking patients about implants? This could be an underlying factor in chronic illness.
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Dr Penny Caldicott discusses the importance of screening and self care in effective preventative medicine.
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In this Part 2 episode we delve more specifically, into how sleep hygiene techniques can be partnered with judicious, carefully selected nutritional and herbal therapies to quickly resolve sleep...
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What is the healing power of sleep? In this two part series, we explore this essential element to wellbeing with Naturopath, Norelle Hentschel. 
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Dr Amie Steel looks at the bigger picture of validating naturopathy as a system of medicine and a professional that can contribute meaningfully to the health system.
