FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

FX Medicine Podcast Central

nicolebijlsma's picture
The major drivers for allergy and atopy are multifactorial and complex but indeed, almost all circumstances relate back to modernisation and the industrial revolution. 
MoiraBradfield's picture
Group B Strep is concerning for any mother-to-be. So what role can naturopathic medicine play in treatment and prevention? 
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The exposome is the lifetime accumulation of toxic burden, spanning from conception to present day and takes into account your genetic and epigenetic makeup as well as your detoxification...
Amie_Skilton's picture
In today's podcast we're joined by Amie Skilton who takes us through how, at a cellular level, sugar is compromising our immune resilience.
Amie_Skilton's picture
There is a growing clinical demand to deliver certain nutrients and compounds in transdermal preparations. We reached out to Amie Skilton to go over the finer points of transdermal nutrient...
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It is estimated that Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects up to 2.5 million people, making it one of the most widespread, disabling neurological conditions affecting young adults in the world. In the U.S...
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The flexibility, technology and sophistication of modern-day compounding has come a long way from it's humble origins. Compounding is now a specialised area of pharmacy available to health...
rebeccahughes's picture
For some people, acne can be a chronic condition persisting well into adulthood. The impact is more than just physical, having far-reaching impacts into a person's mental, emotional and social...
FXMedicine's picture
Falling in love with the science and the art of blending natural skincare for friends and family, Jacqueline (Jacqui) Evans has turned her passion into a globally recognised brand of skincare.
mark_donohoe's picture
There is no "one size fits all" in personalised medicine. In this episodes Andrew and Dr Donohoe explore some of the nuances affecting individual biochemistry. 
natalie_douglas's picture
Today Natalie shares the virtues of CrossFit, how to adequately fuel to meet the physical demands of CrossFit and how to mitigate risks associated with such high-intensity, and varied exercise.
FXMedicine's picture
This podcast will answer many questions about the differences we see between holistic dietary interventions and performance-focussed sports nutrition. 
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In this podcast Andrew speaks to Nora Gedgaudas, clinical nutritionist and internationally recognised expert on ancestrally-based nutrition and best-selling author of the book Primal Body, Primal...
Vanita_Dahia's picture
Vanita Dahia shares with us how integrative, personalised medicine is in a unique position to help patients bring stability to the neurological and endocrine functions that govern the...
Adrian_Lopresti's picture
Unfortunately, the demand for mental health services is an ever increasing burden. What's becoming clear is that there is a strong need for personalised medicine and a multi-modality approach
FXMedicine's picture
In this podcast Trudy dives into GABA and the gut-brain axis as well as the role of methylation and histamine in mood disorders. She also discusses the clinical issues to be aware of in managing...
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Trudy takes us through the core neurotransmitters that influence our mood and behaviour and how to recognise the patient presentation when they're out of balance.
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Dr Haase is a passionate expert when it comes to optimising brain health with a mind-body approach, grounded in science. In today's podcast shares his approaches to cultivating wellness in...
Ross_Walker's picture
In today's podcast, Dr Ross Walker reveals how to decisively treat heart disease using diet and lifestyle measures, with judicious use of nutraceuticals and warranted medications for demonstrated...
FXMedicine's picture
When it comes to mental health, can supplements play a therapeutic role, or are they just "expensive urine?" Well thanks to researcher Professor Julia Rucklidge from Massey University, we have some...
FXMedicine's picture
Faced with the plethora of available dietary dictums, how do we decide which diet is right for which patient? Today we are joined by leading nutritional biochemist, Dr Robert Buist to navigate...
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Prof Tim Noakes joins us on FX Medicine to discuss the value and the science for why a low carb, high fat diet is crucial for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and how it can apply to...
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Today we welcome back nutrition expert Cyndi O'Meara who takes us through the history of keto diets, the clinical relevance of ketosis and the pros and cons of the modern-day use of it. 
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In this podcast, Kate Powe shares her first-hand experience in supporting endometriosis naturopathically alongside standard medical interventions. 
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Today we welcome back Annalies Corse, medical scientist, naturopath and mother who is passionate about developing a better network of integrated health systems to nurture parents through the 4th...
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On a cellular level, what drives infertility? This is what today's guest, Elizabeth Mucci, is an expert at investigating and resolving in her patients. 
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Dr Tash is a little bit different. Not only does she have her own YouTube channel: Dr Tash TV, but she is also one of only a handful of medical doctors with specialised training in...
mark_donohoe's picture
What are the benefits and limitations of IV vitamin and nutrient therapy? Dr Mark Donohoe joined us on the FX Medicine podcast to discuss intravenous vs. oral delivery of nutrients.  
