FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine

FX Medicine Podcast Central

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Challenging the status quo of whether a parasite is a "friend" or a "foe". We welcome back Mike Ash to explore the immunological impact of parasites. 
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Taking time from his busy schedule presenting for the 4th Annual BioCeuticals Research Symposium, Dr Alessio Fasano spoke to Andrew about his discovery of zonulin and what it means for a wide variety...
mark_donohoe's picture
This podcast explores the many facets of managing the commensal and pathogenic organisms that live within and upon for supporting wellbeing.
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Prof Marc Cohen is a pioneer of the wellness industry. Championing research, mentoring students and occupying positions on many medical and integrative medicine boards. He's also regularly...
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In this podcast, Andrew talks to Megan Bowness; Founder of a charity called Dream Kicks and a naturopathic student, who has turned her severe and life threatening Crohn's Disease around by...
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Victus Health helps practitioners connect to patients via technology, to help them manage their food intolerances beyond consultations. In this podcast we're joined by co-founder Pauline O'Sullivan...
mark_donohoe's picture
In this podcast; combing through the differences between how research is reported in the media and the real-world clinical relevance of the information. 
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Ligands are ions, molecules, or a molescular group that bind to another chemical entity to form a larger complex. In nutritonal medicine, practitioners need to understand why to select certain...
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Ahead of Dr Deanna Minich's visit down-under as a key-note speaker for the 4th BioCeuticals Research Symposium, we caught up with her to talk about personalised approached to nourishment with...
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A leading authority on Whey Protein and it's clinical benefits; Dr Robert Buist shares his knowledge. 
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Belinda expertly navigates the complex nature of patient care for Methylation Disorders, MTHFR and Pyroluria. 
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International best-selling author & integrative neurologist Dr David Perlmutter joins Andrew on the Podcast ahead of his trip downunder for the BioCeuticals Research Symposium.
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Beth Bundy uses the analogy 'The Three Legged Stool' to represent the triad of the adrenal, thyroid and sex hormones and their interplay.
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Dr Mark Donohoe postulates that low thyroid function may purely be a state of hibernation to slow function and thus minimise potential for health damaging effects. An interesting and informative...
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Recognising, diagnosing and effectively treating anxiety with an evidence-based integrative medicine approach.
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is "the most common endocrine metabolic disorder in women around the world". 
justinsinclair's picture
Delving into the complex phytochemistry and pharmacognosy of the various cannabis species in part two of this informative podcast series. 
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Male infertility is a relatively unexplored reason for couples being unable to conceive - yet, it's likely to be responsible in up to 20% of cases.
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Naturopath Moira Bradfield shares with us her clinical experience working in a multi-modality clinic specialising in the treatment of complex eye disorders.
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Pyroluria is an emerging consideration in the treatment of mood disorders. In this podcast, Dr Mark Donohoe explores the integrative therapists approach. 
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We often think of good bacteria in our small and large intestines, but what about our mouth? Today we explore the oral microbiome with holistic dentist, Dr Steven Lin.  
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Probiotics have a plethora of applications. In this podcast we explore some medically diagnosed conditions for which they are clinically appropriate.
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Belinda Reynolds explores the pathogenesis of D-Lactate and reveals it may not be the culprit first thought, but rather a victim of circumstance.  
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With the benefit of over two decades of experience to look back on, Dr Mark Donohoe takes us through the changing face of detoxification.
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Join Justin Sinclair, in Part 1, of a two-part interview series covering off the responsible use of medicinal cannabis. Justin takes us on an entertaining and informative journey through the...
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In this episode of the podcast we're joined by Beth Bundy to cover the importance of the liver in detoxification and how the integrative medicine practitioner approaches assessing liver function....
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Autoimmunity is a rapidly evolving health issue. Though there is a multitude of illnesses, there are some commonalities in treatment approach, which Belinda and Andrew explore today.
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The existence of Lyme Disease is a contentious issue in Australia. We discuss with Jennie Burke of Australian Biologics about testing, politics and incidence in Australia.
