FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



Research shows that sea buckthorn is a safe and effective option for post-menopausal vaginal atrophy.

Aug 05, 16

Particularly prevalent in developing nations where micro nutrient deficiency affects many, malaria is a leading cause of death amongst the young, responsible for at least 1 million deaths annually.

Jul 25, 16

The all-inclusive naturopathic approach to skin conditions can take people by surprise; here's why we need to delve more than "skin-deep"...

Jul 22, 16

Exercise coupled with a higher protein diet increases the diversity of gut microbiota, according to a recently published study in the journal "Gut"

Jul 18, 16

Miscarriage, the loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks, is a relatively common event. Up to 1 in 4 women will experience a miscarriage in their lifetime, but the number is likely higher as many are not reported or simply unknown due to women not trying to get pregnant who miscarry after being a few days late.

Jul 15, 16

Women are often shouldering the bulk of the burden of maintaining a healthy diet pre and post conception and throughout pregnancy and lactation. However recent evidence suggests men need to be mindful of what they eat as it can influence health outcomes of their offspring. 

Jul 11, 16

You may be blissfully unaware of the issue of herbal adulteration in the natural medicine industry. In this article, Andrew puts this issue under the microscope. 

Jul 08, 16

Green tea is widely known for its potent antioxidant effects. This research highlights how this may be capitalised on for exercise-induced oxidative stress.

Jul 04, 16
