FX Medicine

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The chocolate paradox: cocoa antioxidants for diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the most common form of diabetes and one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide. Natural dietary compounds such as flavonoids, which are abundant in fruits and vegetables, have recently been receiving a lot of attention due to their potential capacity to act as anti-diabetic agents. Predominant amongst these flavonoids are cocoa flavonoids, which have demonstrated numerous abilities to ameliorate important markers of T2DM. 

Oct 29, 18
Nutritional implications of copper in non-alcoholic

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterised by excess lipids in hepatocytes due to an overload of fatty acid influx from adipose tissue, as well as the consumption of too many dietary fats and carbohydrates.

Oct 26, 18
The link between childhood metabolic syndrome and sugar

Childhood obesity is a serious health issue and an early risk factor for obesity in adulthood, leading to morbidity and mortality. The odds ratio of obese toddlers is 1.3 for becoming obese adults, but increases to 17.5 in adolescents. Those who remain obese in adulthood are prone to a cluster of diseases and disorders called metabolic syndrome (MetSy).[1] Worldwide, this syndrome is present in 20-25% of the population, while in Australia it is estimated to affect 1 in 3 adults.

Oct 22, 18
Almonds: a simple nutritional strategy for managing the risk factors of heart disease

Dietary modification is an important preventative strategy used to reduce the incidence of dyslipidaemia; a major risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and when managed properly, has also been shown to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD)

Oct 19, 18
Magnesium Orotate Enhances Cardiovascular Protection

Magnesium is famed for its widespread health benefits, with one particular form, magnesium orotate, thoroughly researched as an unequivocal therapeutic for cardiovascular health.[1] Magnesium orotate’s application in this area may reduce the risk of various conditions ranging from mitral valve prolapse (MVP) to tachycardia and hypertension, according to a recent meta-analysis.

Oct 15, 18

Hyperhomocysteinaemia may arise from genetic defects of several enzymes involved in homocysteine metabolism including MTHFR, MTR and CBS.

Oct 12, 18
Stress plays a role in metabolic disorders

Prolonged periods of stress are putting Australians at risk of hypocortisolism and therefore at risk of a number of health conditions, one such condition being osteoporosis.

Oct 05, 18
Herbal Considerations for Gout

Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis characterised by pain, redness, swelling and extreme soreness of the joint following even a light touch.[1] Herbal treatments which show promise for the prevention of this chronic condition including Terminalia bellirica (bibhitaki), Prunus cerasus (sour cherry) and Apium graveolens (celery seed).

Oct 01, 18
