FX Medicine

Home of integrative and complementary medicine



The coconut palm tree, fruit and oil (Cocus nucifera) have a long history of use in Malaysia, India, the South Pacific and the Philippines for many religious, dietary and medicinal purposes.[1,2] The multifaceted application of coconut by traditional paradigms has also been observed in recent years with a resurgence in the popularity of coconut oil, particularly for dietary and medicinal purposes.[1,3,4]

Jun 24, 19

Determining the correct dose of nutrients and supplements for children can be overwhelming. To add to the confusion, many supplements will only show an adult dose on the label. So how can we convert that to a dose suitable for children?

Jun 21, 19

Could probiotics be beneficial in reducing gastrointestinal and upper respiratory tract infections?

Jun 11, 19
Artificial light at night sabotages your sleep and health

It’s almost impossible for modern humans to imagine a world without the blaze of artificial light. Is there a dark side to our love affair with light? 

Jun 10, 19

Research has found significant positive associations between diets high in nutritional quality and superior academic performance in children and adolescents. 

Jun 03, 19

The skin is colonised by a diverse community of microorganisms, working synergistically to maintain structural and functional integrity of the skin barrier. On the skin’s surface, four main bacteria phyla have been identified including Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Bateroidetes.[1] Alterations in the balance of these microbial communities have been associated with multiple chronic cutaneous diseases including acne.

May 27, 19

Emerging research indicates that an abnormal gut microbiome is a predisposing factor in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD).[2,3] A growing number of studies have found that children with ASD have a gut microbiome that differs from that found in neurotypical children, indicating a link between gut and brain function.[4-8]

May 22, 19
